Once I developed a daily skin care routine, I noticed that my complexion was so much clearer. Yes, I still experience small breakouts every once in a while but they never last for more than two days because I'm so adamant about sticking to my routine.
Along with keeping a consistent skin care routine, I've also been trying to be more aware of the food I'm eating and the amount of water I'm drinking. I mentioned in my latest Friday Favorites post that I've been drinking a lot of lemon water recently. Water does wonders for your complexion and personally, I'm more likely to drink water if there's lemon it in because I love the taste.
face wash // face moisturizer
Every morning immediately after waking up I head over to my bathroom where I wash my face using the soap shown in the photo above. After I wash my face I pat my face dry with a towel and then apply the moisturizer shown in the photo above. Then at the end of the day I'll remove my makeup with a makeup remover wipe and then wash my face again with the soap shown in the picture above.
The soap & moisturizer I use are formulated for acne-prone & oily skin. I always worry that moisturizers will just make my skin appear even more oily but this one doesn't! Added bonus that it has SPF 30!