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I'm Back

Boy oh boy has life been crazy. With senior year beginning next week (!!!!!) I've been oh so busy running around town preparing for my final year of high school.

At the beginning of the summer I really hoped to focus a lot on blogging and get new content up daily for y'all to see but life happened and I easily had the busiest summer I've ever had. From touring colleges at the beginning of the summer to taking my senior pictures and preparing for my senior golf season I've had so little down time to sit and write a post for y'all.  While I'm bummed about not posting a lot this summer I'm oh so happy to be back and am ready to share my senior year with you!

Although I don't like to go long periods of time without posting, it was surprisingly nice to not be constantly worrying about scheduling a post or finding a time to shoot outfits. I've always told myself "quality over quantity" meaning that I'd rather share a well put-together post than one that I quickly put together just to have something going up that day. It was nice to take a break and now I'm so happy to be back and ready to be sharing new content that I'm proud to be writing.

How was your summer?
