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Instagram Tips for Bloggers

As a blogger, Instagram is my #1 social media platform. I use it daily and could classify myself as an "Instagram addict". I've had a few of my followers direct message me and ask for tips on how they can grow their blog via Instagram. Here are my tips for those wanting to know how I've grown my blog via Instagram.

|have your email in your bio|
In the event that a company wants to reach out to you, it is so much easier for them to find your email right there in your Instagram bio rather than having to link to your blog and search it for your contact information.

|try & stick to a theme but keep it interesting|
I while back I had a blue theme going (it didn't last long) but I noticed that I am more likely to follow a blogger if their Instagram page is visually appealing. Choose a theme that reflects your blog and try you best to stick with it!

|post a variety of shots|
While it's easy to post photos of your newest Lilly purchase that you've laid on the floor, try to include photos of yourself, too! It allows your follows to get to know you and they get to see a glimpse into your life!

|post regularly|
This might seem obvious but posting regularly is essential to growing your Instagram & blog. I post daily and have found that by doing so it keeps my followers active and have seen an increase in my follower activity since posting daily.

|interact with your followers|
This is my number one tip! Engage with your followers! If they leave a nice comment, respond to them! Ask them questions and like some of their photos! By interacting with your followers, they're more likely to remember your account and hopefully spread the word!

|share some shots of your life. blogger behind the scenes|
As I mentioned earlier, share some shots from your life! I know I love to see what my blogging buddies are up too outside the blogging mindset! Show them what happens behind the scenes of your blog! (Like I did in the picture above!)

|create a hashtag for your blog|
My blogs hashtag is #NorthernPrepsterTravels which allows me to tag all the photos I take while traveling so my followers can easily see all my travel photos! It's just a neat way to organize your photos!

What are your Instagram tips? I'd love to know!